The Henson Journals

Fri 1 June 1906 to Sat 9 June 1906

Volume 16, Pages 74 to 75


Friday, June 1st, 1906.

The newspapers report a shocking outrage from Madrid. A miscreant threw a bomb at the newly–married King & Queen of Spain. The Sovereigns were uninjured, but many persons in their immediate entourage were killed.

I wasted the forenoon in writing to the Rural Dean refusing to take part in the mass meeting to protest against the Education Bill on June 28.

Kirshbaum came in to tell me that the Bishop of London had offered him the living of S. Mark's, Notting Hill, and that he had decided to accept it.

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On Whitsunday, June 3rd 1906, I preached a long sermon on "Christian Unity", or rather in connection with that subject, which had been specially commended by the Bp. of London. I took for my text the words of our Lord, "Thou, hypocrite, cast out first &c".: and I stated with much frankness my conviction that so long as the exclusive validity of the Episcopal ministry was maintained by Anglicans, they were disqualified for preaching unity.

In the afternoon I travelled to Oxford in order to attend the college Gaudy.

On Whit. Monday, Mowbray took me in his motor to Stratford on Avon, where for the first time I visited the grave of Shakespeare. The church is worth a visit for its own sake.

On Tuesday, the 5th June, I returned to town by the early express: drove immediately to Mesrs Russell in Baker St: & was photographed.

On Thursday the 7th June I had the choir boys here to tea, & shewed them over the Abbey: & on Saturday, the 9th, I shewed a numerous party from S. Columba's over the abbey & S. Margaret's.

Issues and controversies: recognition of/reunion with non-episcopal churches; education bill