The Henson Journals

Sun 13 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 65


Sunday, May 13th, 1906.

A most glorious day from start to finish. We went to church at 10.30 a.m., & heard an indifferent extempore sermon. After service Ella & I walked round to the Tour de Peilz, before returning to the Hotel for lunch. In the afternoon we went by electric railway to Les Avants, & then walked down the Gorge de Chauderon to Montreux. The meadows at Les Avants were white with narcissus: & there was a tame chamois in the garden of the Hotel where we had tea. The walk down the Gorge skirted a vigorous waterfall, and was full of changing beauties. When we emerged at Montreux, we gained a splendid view of the Dent du Midi, gleaming in the western sun's rays, & looking quite near. We found a train conveniently awaiting us, & arrived in the Hotel in good time for dinner.