The Henson Journals

Sat 12 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 64


Saturday, May 12th, 1906.

I wrote letters to Albert, Kirshbaum, & the Admiral, & received one (brief & curt as an orderly's report) from Kirshbaum. The "Times” of yesterday arrived with an account of the second reading division on the Education Bill on Thursday night. The Irish voted with the Opposition, and yet the Government had a majority of 204.

In the afternoon we went by steamer to Lausanne, where we had tea & viewed the city. The cathedral, nobly placed on the mountain side, is a fine 13th century church, which looks rather forlorn in the service of the Calvinists. There are some fine 16th century stalls to be seen. We were impressed by the powerful & effective engine used by the corporation of Lausanne for watering the roads. It is a locomotive driven by electricity, & taking the whole width of the road in its range.

Issues and controversies: education bill