The Henson Journals

Mon 7 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 59


Monday, May 7th, 1906.

I started the day with all the comfortless accompaniments of a bad cold. However, I did not withdraw from the excursion which had been planned overnight. We went by steamer to Territet, then by the funicular railway to Glion, then by the cog. railway to Caux, where we lunched in a palatial hotel. After lunch we rejoined the cog. railway, and mounted to the Rochers de Naye. The line had been cut out of the snow drifts, which in some places were as much as 12 or 14 feet deep. Arrived at the Hotel, we had to scramble through the snow to the summit, from whence a splendid panorama of snow–covered mountains lay before us. Then we had tea, and began our descent. The funicular car was unable to take us all, so we walked down, & succeeded in catching the steamer at Territet, from whence we returned to Vevey in time for dinner at 7.30 p.m..