The Henson Journals

Fri 4 May 1906 to Sun 6 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 58


Friday, May 4th, 1906.

We made our preparations, wrote our last letters, and 'took up our carriages' from Victoria en route for Vevey. The passage from Folkestone to Boulogne was pleasant; we had a compartment to ourselves from Amiens to Basle, and passed the night with as little discomfort as the circumstances permitted. It poured with rain while we travelled slowly from Basle to Vevey: but almost as soon as we arrived the weather cleared, & became bright. We have rooms overlooking the lake which is enchantingly beautiful.

On Sunday, May 6th we attended service at the English Church. The standard of foreign chaplaincies is not high, but it was more than reached both by service & sermon. The latter of course extempore. Returning to the Hotel we were careful to read the inscription to Edmund Ludlow, who fled to Vevey in 1662 & lived under the protection of its magistrates until 1693. His epitaph composed by himself is included in the inscription. "Omne solum forti patria, quia Patris". In the afternoon we went a steamer excursion to the mouth of the Rhone.