The Henson Journals

Tue 8 May 1906

Volume 16, Page 60


Tuesday, May 8 th , 1906.

Another glorious day. A slight mist added to the beauty of the view. Nothing could exceed that beauty. The colouring of the blue lake, the bright green foliage in the fore–ground, the red–tiled houses, the snow–capped mountains, the cloudless sky is enchanting. I loafed on the terrace and read the new volume of the Cambridge History, until lunch. In the afternoon we all went by the funicular to Mont Pélerin, where we had tea, and walked in the wood: but the air became sultry, and ominous rumblings of thunder seemed to presage a storm. So we hastened back to the Hotel. The light effects on the lake, & in the Rhone valley were striking: & a beautiful rainbow added an unexpected trait to the sombre scene. There was some rain during the night, but no storm.

An old acquaintance of Ella appeared in a Swiss doctor, Muret, who sate with us after dinner, & conversed not uninterestingly of men & things.