The Henson Journals

Sun 29 April 1906 to Thu 3 May 1906

Volume 16, Pages 55 to 57


2nd Sunday after Easter, April 29th, 1906.

All–merciful God, Who hast called me in the strange leadings of Thy Providence to this place, and brought me into the midst of many and great dangers, I confess before Thee that I am wholly undeserving of Thy Mercy, and unable to bear Thy commands. Make possible by Thy Grace, I beseech Thee, what my weakness endangers, and my sins forbid. Grant to me the strength and comfort of Thy Holy Spirit. Open mine eyes that I may see the wondrous things of Thy Law. Shew Thou me the way that I should walk in, for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Have compassion on Thy Children, who depend on me for guidance and example. Forgive the many and grievous "offences" against Thy "little ones", of which I am guilty; and of Thine infinite Goodness make possible to me the fulfilment of my ministry towards them. These my prayers, O Everlasting Father, I make in the Name of Thy Blessed Son, my Lord & Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.


The Dean being absent, I celebrated in the Abbey at the midday service. Rashdall preached on 'Immortality'. Dr Abbott, of Trinity College, Dublin, came to lunch, and Mr White, the Vicar of S. Peter's, Hornsey, who had preached in S. Margaret's for the Bishop of London's Fund. The day grew very dark as the hour for the afternoon service drew near, & I walked to the Abbey through rain. There was a large congregation, and I preached on "Fanaticism". Winifrid and Alfred Parker came to tea.

Copies of "Religion in the Schools" were sent to Gow, Walters, Lady Frances Balfour, Harold. There was a large congregation in S.Margaret's at Evensong; I preached on "The Church of England", & in the course of my sermon, quoted a passage from the current issue of the "Spectator", in which a very strongly worded protest is made against the anti–Biblical propaganda of the Anglican hierarchy.


I postponed my departure for Switzerland until Friday in order that I might take part in the debates of the Convocation which met on Tuesday and sat until Thursday. The Education Bill was discussed on Wednesday & Thursday. On the first day moderation prevailed; but there was a decline into fanaticism on the second. To me personally the reverend fathers were civil enough.

Issues and controversies: education bill