The Henson Journals

Wed 25 April 1906 to Sat 28 April 1906

Volume 16, Page 54


Wednesday, April 25th, 1906.


The letter to the Times which was written & sent in last Thursday appears this morning, and fills more than a column of that journal. It sets me in opposition open and avowed to the Archbishops and nearly the whole Bench.

"Religion in the Schools" appeared yesterday. I ordered Macmillan to send out 100 copies to M.P.s, and copies to the members of the Episcopal Bench.

As it was S. Mark's day there was a sermon at Evensong. Kirshbaum was the Preacher.

After this service I attended a meeting of the Almshouse Trustees; we received Mr Trollope's resignation, & appointed his successor.

On Saturday, the 28th April, the Spectator contained a letter from me, pointing out the serious effect on the position of the Establishment, which the Episcopal policy might have.

Issues and controversies: defence of establishment