The Henson Journals

Fri 29 December 1905

Volume 16, Pages 9 to 10


Friday, December 29th, 1905.

I called on Lady Dawkins. She is a tall, handsome woman with a dignified carriage, & that deference which one often observes in those who have been reared as Papists.

I drafted the following letter to Mr Knowling, and submitted it to my wife.

Dear Mr Knowling,

I have received a report from Mr Goss–Custard which justifies me in requesting the Churchwardens to continue Harold in his present position, & may perhaps justify you in thinking that he had better continue to work at his music with a definite purpose of making music the career of his life. As you know, Harold has been much under my observation during the year, & has been much in this house. Both my wife & I are attached to him, & wd desire to help forward his purpose in life. He must certainly work hard, & devote himself to his work if he is to succeed, & he has no time to lose. If you think well to accede to this proposal, I should like Harold to reside here regularly for the next three months, so as to avoid so much getting about, which wastes time, & is not particularly good for him during the damp & cold weather. We have seen enough of his behaviour to make us confident that he will not [10] discredit our household, & I hope it may be possible for him to make some serious effort to improve his education, which is not equal to what his age requires.

You will, I think, understand that in making this proposition we are giving the best evidence we can of our goodwill to Harold and desire for his welfare.

Believe me, most sincerely yours,

H. Hensley Henson.