The Henson Journals

Mon 25 December 1905

Volume 16, Page 8


Christmas Day, December 25th, 1905.

I called Harold at 6.15 a.m: & sent him on to open the church for the 7 o'clock service: but I did not myself go to S. Margaret's before 8 a.m., when I celebrated. We read Mattins and the unmitigated Athanasian Creed at 10 a.m. (the congregation consisted of seven women and one man!). Blackmore sang service at 11 a.m., & I preached on Rom. I. 1–3. The Communicants were 32 at 7 a.m.: 102 at 8 a.m.: 160 at 11 a.m. = 294. In the Abbey at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. there were 275. Hine–Haycock came to lunch. I went to Evensong in the Abbey: where we sang carols. My Father in law dined here. I read a most interesting book – Herbert Paul's "Life of Froude".

On S. Stephen's Day, carols were sung at Evensong. Monty Bere & his wife arrived: & on S. John's Day he preached an excellent little sermon in the Abbey.

Issues and controversies: Athanasian Creed