The Henson Journals

Sun 24 December 1905

Volume 16, Page 7


4th Sunday in Advent, December 24th, 1905.

I celebrated in S. Margaret's at 8 a.m. There were but 9 communicants.

Having deposited the Preacher, White, in the Jerusalem Chamber with the Dean, I went to S. Margaret's and read Mattins & Litany. Gow preached an excellent discourse on "Maranatha". The congregation, however, was lamentably small, for the Christmas stampede has this year been of exceptional magnitude.

At Evensong in the Abbey there was a great gathering of 'country cousins'. Under the circumstances they were well behaved, & listened to the Sermon, (somewhat shortened for their benefit) with tolerable attention. My text was Isaiah 33.17. "Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty: they shall behold a far stretching land".

In S. Margaret's there was a good congregation at 7 p.m. I preached about Holy Communion, being much molested by coughing throughout my sermon. After the Benediction we sang carols; & finally arranged the Communion rail against the morrow.