The Henson Journals

Thu 21 December 1905 to Sat 23 December 1905

Volume 16, Page 6


Thursday, December 21st,1905.

I celebrated the Holy Sacrament in Henry VIIth's Chapel. There was a good number of Communicants.

After Mattins I went to the School, and distributed prizes. Then worked at a sermon.

In the afternoon I left cards on Lady Lytton, and had a long conversation with Cecil Chapman & his wife. The latter is a most ardent anti–Balfourian.

On Saturday, Dec: 23rd 1905 I received a letter from Welldon inquiring my intentions: to this I immediately replied, refusing to give any pledges as to my future course. I took occasion to demur to his assumption of the 'peace–maker's' role. 'Peace–making' implies quarrelling: & there is no quarrelling in the question. We are divided in the point of conscientious conviction. There is but one course open to us – friendly reference to an authority, to which we must all defer.