The Henson Journals

Wed 20 December 1905

Volume 16, Page 5


Wednesday, December 20th, 1905.

Beeching presented me with an excellent Edition of George Herbert's 'Life & Works'. At Mattins, the Dean being absent, & the School present, I read the Prayer of Thanksgiving for Benefactors. I presided at a meeting of the Standing Committee, which authorized the Headmaster to proceed with the repair of the Dormitory Roof, pronounced by the District Surveyor to be dangerous.

About 7 p.m. the Dean called on me, & stayed talking for an hour. He began by expressing his entire concurrence with every word of my letter. He said that if Balfour had still been in office he would have consulted him, and gave me the impression of actually having meditated resignation!! I spoke rather strongly about the unfairness of handling the discussion in this personal way: & he appeared to admit the justice of my words. Then I tried to get him to yield the point of "the Ordinary", but he is evidently resolved to yield nothing. We parted amicably but no nearer an understanding than before. As a psychological problem the Dean of Westminster is a curiously interesting problem, but as a negotiator he is the most exasperating creature in the world.