The Henson Journals

Sun 25 June 1905

Volume 15, Page 435


Hospital Sunday, June 25th, 1905.

There were but 21 commts at 8 a.m.

At 11 a.m. the church appeared to be well-filled. I begged hard for the Hospitals, but rather marred the effect of my preaching by losing my place in the middle. A sheet of the (type-written) sermon had got out of its place. The Offertory (including £15.1.0 which had been sent to me in advance) amounted to £139.14.4: which is the largest sum collected at a single service in my time in S. Margaret's. George Dennistoun came to lunch, & Mr & Mrs Steele-Maitland.

At Evensong there was a moderate congregation. I preached again. The Offertory exceeded £26. The Bishop of Ripon was preaching at the Abbey.

Albert Saxton came to supper, & brought with him another ‘Old Blue' named Ellis.