The Henson Journals

Sun 2 July 1905

Volume 15, Page 436


2nd Sunday after Trinity, July 2nd, 1905.

A very hot day. I celebrated at 8 a.m. 48 commts. I preached at 11 a.m. There was a very full church, but a restless congregation on account of the heat. After service a huge American invaded the Vestry. He was the Bishop of Rhode Island. There were 82 commts at the 2nd celebration. Miss Montague came to lunch.

At Evensong there was but a moderate congregation. I preached rather wearily: after service the Vestry was invaded by a Presbyterian clergyman named Muir, who said he was attached to Glasgow Cathedral, and would rejoice if I would preach there. Of course I said that I would if it could be arranged. Albert Saxton came to supper; & I gave him my photograph as he goes off tomorrow.