The Henson Journals

Mon 5 June 1905 to Thu 15 June 1905

Volume 15, Page 432


Monday, June 5th, 1905.

I called at Scotland Yard and had an interview with Mr Macnaghten, the Assistant Commissioner for crime, and discussed with him the case of the choirboys. He gave me the name of Local Inspector Fuller, as responsible for order about the Abbey. He was most courteous & ready to help, and promised to give instructions to the Police to be vigilant.

On Whitsunday (June 11th) I preached in the morning, & in the afternoon went to Oxford for the Gaudy. There I stayed until Tuesday, June 13th, when I returned to Westminster. On Thursday, June 15th, Ella & I went to Chigwell on Marsden's invitation to see the Forest.

Issues and controversies: grooming of choir boys