The Henson Journals

Sun 4 June 1905

Volume 15, Page 431


Sunday after Ascension, June 4th, 1905.

A sultry and tiring day. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 37 communicants. At Mattins the congregation was fidgety and tourist. I preached on Lord's Day Observance with much discomfort, and amid many signs of congregational disrelish! Among the congregation were Dean Fremantle, Sir John Dorington, Sir C. Renshaw, Sir Elliott Lees, but mostly the M.Ps were absent.

There were 56 commts at the late celebration.

Harold and I walked round the bridges after luncheon, and had much converse on the subject of the morning's preaching.

At 7 p.m. I preached in the Abbey to a very large congregation. It was the opening of the Nave Services for the year. My subject was again "Lord's Day Observance", and in the course of a long sermon, I took occasion to speak strongly on the desecrating influence of the Sunday motorists.