The Henson Journals

Thu 1 June 1905

Volume 15, Pages 429 to 430


Ascension Day, June 1st, 1905.

I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 26 communicants. In the course of the service I asked prayers ‘on behalf of a family connected with the parish in deep affliction'. This had been asked of me by Mr Talbot, whose youngest son, Eustace, died last week under an operation for appendicitis within a few days of announcing his engagement to be married.

At Mattins I preached to a very small congregation almost wholly in petticoats. At 2 p.m. I assisted at a wedding: and then attended Evensong in the Abbey. The Dean of Canterbury preached an excellent sermon on behalf of the Fund for Restoring Bell Harry Tower. I went to S. Margaret's for the Choral Service at 8 p.m, & listened to a characteristic sermon from F. C.


O risen and reigning Lord, look down with pity on us Thy servants who are called to fight Thy Battle here on Earth: we are sore let and hindered by our own sins, and truly the enemy presses us sore. Come and help us, O Christ, as Thou didst help Thine own in the times past; & grant us in this warfare the comfort of Thy Presence, for Thy tender mercy's sake.