The Henson Journals

Tue 9 May 1905 to Wed 31 May 1905

Volume 15, Pages 425 to 428


Tuesday, May 9th, 1905.

I went to Oxford and read the Burial Service over Harry Duff. The first part of the service was taken in S. Mary's, the actual interment was in Holywell cemetery. I lunched in the Buttery with Robertson, Holland, Goudy, & Smith. After lunch I returned to Westminster; wrote some letters, & dined with Welldon.


On Saturday, May 13th 1905, we went to Eton. Alington & Bowlby with their wives came to dinner. The next day, Sunday, 14th May, I received the Holy Communion in the school chapel at 8 a.m. Then I preached to the boys at Mattins: after which Warre took me for a walk. I lunched in Hall, & afterwards visited the Library with Warre-Cornish. Then I walked to the Castle, & called at the Deanery. After this I attended service in S. George's Chapel. My wife joined me at the Deanery for tea. On our way back we called at Bowlby's, & saw his children. Dinner at 8 p.m. Edmond Warre arrived from Venice, & after the ladies had retired showed us the sketches he had made in Sicily. We returned to Westminster on Monday 15th May: in time for me to baptize in S. Margaret's, William George Hood, grandson of Sir Wm Walrond, until lately the Government Whip. After the service, I lunched at 39 Park Lane. From lunch I went to the Grey Coat Hospital & presided at a meeting of the Westminster Incumbents, who elected Aglionby as a Governor of the Hospital.


On May 28th 1905, Rogation Sunday, the Dean of Wells preached in S. Margaret's for the Bishop of London's Fund. A poor sermon, and the worst offertory on record. After service Sir George Bartley K.C.B. came & looked at Kempe's plans, & promised a donation of £20.0.0. The Bishop of London preached in the Abbey; I went to hear him, and, after service, Sir John Wolfe Barry looked at the plans, & walked round to the church. He makes certain suggestions, which I must consider.

At Evensong the congregation was small and of the Holiday-making type. Harry Davis was in Church, and came in afterwards to supper. Miss Nora Ballard and her brother also were here.

Lord, save Thy servant for in Thee do I put my trust.

Note: on this day the Japanese destroyed the great Russian Armada. The news was rumoured & whispered here during the afternoon.


On Wednesday May 31st 1905, the Restoration Committee met at 12.30 noon in the Vestry, and adopted the plans submitted to them, & agreed to the draft of the Faculty. I read the letter which I propose to send to the Times, & it was approved.

There were present:-

The Rector
Admiral Rolfe} Churchwardens
E.H. Fedarb}
Mr Taverner Miller
" Erskine
" Spencer Smith
" Montague Smith
" Trollope
" Verity
" J. E. Smith
" Percy Gates
" Steward
" Beckham
Rev. Bullen