The Henson Journals
Sun 16 April 1905
Volume 15, Page 419
Palm Sunday, April 16th, 1905.
A mild and brilliant morning. 36 commts at 8 a.m.
There was a large congregation at Mattins, which, however, included a large infusion of holiday trippers. In the Parly seats I noticed Sir Robert Finlay, & Sir Michael Hicks Beach, besides a good many other members of Parlt. There were 34 commts at the late celebration. The weather had changed for the worse by the time the service was ended, & rain had begun to fall. About 3 p.m. there was a thunder-storm, after which rain fell quietly.
Admiral Rolfe came to call during the afternoon.
There was a fair congregation at Evensong; I preached on "Service", and concluded my sermon with some observations about the observance of Good Friday.
Sherwood's two brothers, Waddell, Gace, Chart & Harold came in to supper.