The Henson Journals

Tue 8 November 1904

Volume 15, Pages 358 to 359


Tuesday, November 8th, 1904.

My Birthday once more. 41 years gone for ever. My Godson wrote affectionately: & Tommie came to see me. There were letters from Carissima, Podge, my old Aunt; & still older Nurse.

Caröe the designer of that odious Farrar monument came to see me, & together we went to the church, & I authorised the erection.

Most part of the morning I wrote letters.

Beeching came in to see me friendly-wise.

Sir H. Graham sent £10 to my Fund for Ellison. I went round to the Choir-House, & left my usual benefaction for the boys.


My Fund for Ellison

Pd The Rector £10
Pd Sir Henry Graham £10
Pd Mrs Swinburne £10
Pd Mrs Hunt £10
Pd Mr Montague-Smith £5.5.0
Pd Mr Richardson £5.5.0
Pd Mr Younger £5.5.0
Pd Admiral Rolfe £5.0.0
Pd Miss Jeffcock £5.0.0
Pd R. Hon. J. G. Talbot M.P. £3.0.0
Pd Dr Sinclair £1.1.0
Pd Sir Charles Renshaw £5.0.0
Rev E. Sherwood £1.0.0
Pd Sir Kenneth Mackenzie £5.0.0
Pd Rev. S. Kirshbaum £1.1.0
Pd E. H. Fedarb Esq £1.1.0
Pd Rev. F. Campbell £1.1.0
Pd The Dean £10.0.0
Pd C. S. Parker Esq £5.0.0

(I sent Ellison £100 on Dec 31st)