The Henson Journals

Sun 6 November 1904 to Tue 8 November 1904

Volume 15, Pages 356 to 357


23rd Sunday after Trinity, November 6th, 1904.

A dull day dripping with intermittent rain, & threatening fog at the start but improving as the hours passed. I celebrated at 8a.m.: when there were 28 commts: there were 63 at the midday celebration.

At Mattins I preached on Wisdom III.1-5.

The rain held off until Evensong, when it spoiled the Congregation. I preached an old sermon, written as long ago as 1897 and never before used in S. Margaret's.


Nov: 8th 1904.

My Dear Northcote,

Mr Caröe has seen me this morning, and we have together visited the Church. I have authorised him to erect the monument on the West wall of the Church, facing outwards into the Porch. He has promised to reduce the cutting into the wall as far as possible. You will, perhaps, be able to fix a date for unveiling it. I think, with the exception of the 15th, 16th, 26th-28th of this month, any day will be convenient to me. You will please see that the form of service desired is submitted to me for approval in good time.

Believe me,

Sincerely yours,

H. Hensley Henson