The Henson Journals

Sun 19 June 1904

Volume 15, Pages 312 to 313


3rd Sunday after Trinity, June 19th, 1904.

I celebrated at 8 a.m.: there were 35 commts. At Mattins I preached on "The Good Shepherd". The congregation seemed fairly large; but the Offertory was but a little more than £14. Partly this is to be ascribed to the circumstance that the Bishop of London was preaching hard by at Christ Church. Probably the "respectables" had all adjourned there.

At Evensong I preached again. There was but a moderate congregation: the Offertory: £6.12.8.


Macmillan sent copies of Sermons to

  1. [symbol] Abp. of Canterbury
  2. [symbol] Bp. of London
  3. Bp. of Liverpool
  4. Warden of All Souls
  5. [symbol] Raleigh
  6. The Dean
  7. [symbol] Sir Ed. Russell
  8. Sir Michael Hicks Beach
  9. Lady Francis Balfour
  10. Lord Hugh Cecil
  11. Beeching
  12. Dr Donald McLeod
  13. [symbol] Lord Salisbury
  14. Dr Sanday
  15. Dr Gow
  16. Lord Wm Cecil
  17. [symbol] Chase
  18. Bp. of Worcester
  19. Bp. of Exeter
  20. The Speaker
  21. [symbol] Driver
  22. [symbol] Dean of Canterbury
  23. [symbol] Dean of Windsor
  24. Bp. of Rochester