The Henson Journals

Tue 21 June 1904 to Sat 25 June 1904

Volume 15, Pages 314 to 316


Tuesday, June 21st, 1904.

I attended the annual meeting of the Churchmen's Union in the Church House. Morrison made an excellent speech from the Chair: & good speeches were made by Sir E. Russell, Sir Mountstewart Grant Duff, & Rashdall. I spoke for a few minutes as a 'sympathetic outsider': there was a paragraph in the annual Report thanking me for my 'bold advocacy of toleration and comprehension'. After the meeting Morrison, Rashdall, & I walked through the Park, & had much converse.


On Saturday, June 25th we travelled to Winchester, and arrived in time to see the conclusion of the Eton & Winchester match, which the home team won by 8 wickets. There was a very large attendance of old Wykhamists whose enthusiasm was unbounded. Seven years has passed since victory had fallen to Winchester.

On Sunday I went to chapel at 11 a.m.: Ella & the Mackenzies went to the cathedral, where after the service I joined them. After lunch Burge walked with us to S. Cross, which in the soft glow of the moist atmosphere looked ravishing. At 4 I went to "brew" in Wilmot's house with the prefects; & then at 5 to chapel, which was crowded: I preached a portentously dull sermon on Lord's Day observance. Then for two hours we strolled about enjoying converse & the mild beauty of the place.

Burge seems to be quite clear & sound on the question of Anglican Liberty. I presented him with a copy of the volume of "incriminated" sermons.

On Monday we returned to Westminster without further discomfort than that involved in a crowded train and a consequent melée at Waterloo.

In the afternoon we had tea on the Terrace, & at 7 I attended a meeting of the C.C.C. at the Deanery where Sir John Gorst discussed educational prospects.


Copies of the Sermons privately given to

  1. Mr Dennistoun
  2. Carissima
  3. Kirschbaum
  4. Campbell
  5. Sherwood
  6. Fedarb
  7. Rolfe
  8. Albert
  9. Reichel
  10. Parker-Smith
  11. Welldon
  12. Burge
  13. Parker
  14. Mrs Webb
  15. Weller
  16. Geordie
  17. Wilberforce
  18. Arthur
  19. Gilbert
  20. Lyster Jandron
  21. Lady Stanley
  22. Alan
  23. Philby