The Henson Journals

Sun 12 June 1904 to Wed 15 June 1904

Volume 15, Pages 310 to 311


Hospital Sunday, June 12th, 1904.

A dull and chilly morning symbolic of the temper of the world when the appeal of Charity is made to it. I celebrated at 8 a.m. There were 30 communicants.

At Mattins there seemed but a moderate congregation. The Offertory exceeded £102.0.0. I preached from S. John XIX.26.27.

I preached at Evensong in Christ Church, Lancaster Gate. Ridgeway preached for me in S. Margaret's.


Signorina Bertini, a friend of Ella's & Ethel's, has been staying here - an intelligent woman, greedy of information.

I showed her over the Abbey, which she appreciated. She read, apparently with interest, & certainly with many professions of approval, both the Hibbert & the Contemporary Articles.

Rashdall writes to the Guardian an useful little letter calling attention to the Bishop of London's odd statement that Christ appeared to 500 brethren at once "on a mountain in broad day-light".

I started learning the excellent & sacred craft of carpentering.

On Wednesday June 15th, Tommie Hall came to see me.





