The Henson Journals

Sun 27 March 1904

Volume 15, Page 293


Palm Sunday, March 27th, 1904.

A dull cold morning, threatening rain. I went to S. Margaret's at 8 a.m., and celebrated. There were 32 communicants.

Cecil was to have preached in the Abbey, but I had heard overnight that he was down with a chill, and had asked Kirshbaum to preach in his stead. He preached effectively, & was well heard. Among the congregation was the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Welldon preached in S. Margaret's, and came to lunch, as did also the Precentor.

I preached in the Abbey to a great congregation, which seemed more attentive than heretofore. After service I went to S. Margaret's & baptized Gilbert Simpson, to whom also I stood Godfather.

At Evensong I preached in S. Margaret's to a large congregation, & thereafter conducted a short devotional service.

Lutyens, Sherwood, George Dennistoun, Kirshbaum, & Campbell came in to supper.