The Henson Journals

Mon 7 March 1904

Volume 15, Page 292


March 7th, 1904.


I met Oxford at Paddington, and we travelled together to Cardiff. On our arrival we drove at once to Drane's Shop. The old man received us benevolently and started talking at a tremendous rate with the notion, I fancy, of impressing me. He has collected a wonderful assortment of curious, and valuable articles. His Worcester china is superb, and his silver amazing. He has a fairly complete set of English spoons from 1325 - 1800. He is working out the history of the fork. He has a splendid pair of pistols that belonged to Louis XVI, and no less than 7 curious Pomanders. He is also interested in a sardonic way in the evolution of Mariolatry, and has an astonishing array of Madonnas, pagan & Christian. Add to all this that he is a naturalist, and has succeeded in taming hares. He gave us a most excellent lunch, and his wines (White Burgundy & Champagne) might disturb the imagination of a Lucullus.