The Henson Journals

Sun 3 April 1904

Volume 15, Pages 294 to 296


Easter Day, April 3rd, 1904.

O Lord Jesus Christ living now in the freedom and power of the spiritual life, present still with us who own Thee Master & Lord, come to us all this day and make Thyself known as at the first ‘in the breaking of the bread'. Have compassion on our perplexities, and cleanse our consciences. Make us pure in heart that we too may see God. Interpret Thine own Gospel to us, and bond it into our lives to raise & direct them. Send among us the spirit of fellowship, and draw us all together to Thee. Increase our faith we beseech Thee, and teach us how to pray as we ought. Lift from our lives the burden of doubt, & break from our wills the fetters of evil custom. Make us able to hear Thy call, and ready to obey it, and, if be Thy will, give us the comfort of Thy Presence for Thy tender mercy's sake.



The weather had changed during the night, and when morning broke it was warm & wet. At 8 a.m. I went to S. Margaret's, & celebrated the Holy Communion. There were only 124 communicants, the smallest number at that service I can recall. At the Abbey there were about 60 communicants at the same service which also is unusually few. At 7 a.m. there had been no more than 41 communicants in S. Margaret's.

At the Choral Eucharist there was a very large congregation, and no less than 222 communicts making a total number for the day of 387 - just five more than last year.

I preached on the evidences of Christ's Resurrection. After lunch Lyster Jandron and I walked to the Times Office and left there some extract of the Sermon. I observed a reporter busily at work while I was preaching.


O God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, have compassion on our weakness. Thou knowest whereof we are made; Thou rememberest that we are but dust. In the midst of this difficult world, how shall we find our path, unless Thou lead us? Grant grace of guidance to Thy servants O Lord, and keep us from going astray out of the way of Thy commandments. Send the light of Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts that we may see the wondrous things of Thy law. Make us to love Thee more, and grant us to rejoice in Thy service.

Issues and controversies: Easter Day sermon; resurrection