The Henson Journals

Tue 12 May 1903

Volume 15, Pages 177 to 178


Tuesday, May 12th, 1903.


I attended the meeting of Convocation, and was nominated by the Prolocutor one of the Assessors for the day. A resolution was moved by Mr Proctor & seconded by Bishop Barry, asking for a ‘Joint Committee' ‘on the relation of National Churches to the Church Catholic'; and to this I moved, and Canon Pereira seconded, an amendment substituting for these words the following, ‘the relation of the Church of England to the other branches of Christ's Church Catholic as well episcopal and non-episcopal'. On this discussion proceeded until lunch time, with one interruption when we were summoned to the Upper House. The Dean of Salisbury, Canons Worlledge & Knox-Little & others opposed: old Archdeacon Kaye, & another supported. Finally, the Dean of Westminster suggested a compromise. I would withdraw my amendment & bring it forward as a separate motion. To this I agreed. And later in the day we drafted this

‘That, in view of the widely-felt desire for the union of Christians, and the mischievous consequences of existing religious divisions, the President be respectfully requested to direct the appointment of a Joint Committee to investigate & report on the [178] obligation of the Church of England to the whole body of baptized persons.'

We also decided to postpone the discussion until the next group of Sessions.

There lunched here:-

  • Archdeacon Kaye
  • The Dean of S. Alban's
  • Canon Proctor
  • Archdeacon Lane
  • Conybeare

Issues and controversies: intercommunion