The Henson Journals

Mon 11 May 1903

Volume 15, Page 176


Monday, May 11th, 1903.

Mr Howland of the "Outlook" interviewed me at 10 a.m. about the 'passive resistance' campaign.

The Chapter meeting occupied the whole morning up to lunch time. There were no breezes, in spite of the omens overnight. We gave the Precentor leave to go to South Africa for six months to join in an Anglican Mission.

In the after noon [sic] Ella & I went, at Mr Hunt's invitation, to the Masonic School at Clapham. The skill &c of the girls was excellent.

On our return I walked for an hour with Gow, who seems discontented with the plans for the new buildings.

After dinner, Edwin came & wrote letters until 10 a.m: [sic] & then I fooled away the time till midnight.

Issues and controversies: passive resistance campaign