The Henson Journals

Fri 16 August 1901

Volume 150, Page 10


Friday, August 16th, 1901.

Before starting I wrote to Podge.

We visited the Zoo, & had a very interesting morning. There is a fine collection of beasts & birds, &, as at Amsterdam, they are well seen in excellent gardens. We were specially impressed by a huge Asiatic Elephant; a fine tapir, the Hippopotamus, & the birds of prey. In the afternoon we did little, as it rained, but before dinner we drove round the Alster. Then we girded ourselves for departure, & left at 11 p.m. for Copenhagen. We got on the boat at Kiel about 1.30 a.m. and reached Korsӧr at 7.30 a.m. after was generally described as a good passage.