The Henson Journals

Sat 17 August 1901

Volume 150, Page 11


Saturday, August 17th, 1901.

I sat on deck & was rewarded by a beautiful sunrise. Copenhagen was reached about 10.30 a.m. & then I had the mortification of finding that my bag, which I had had registered at Hamburg, had not arrived. So I reached the Hotel not merely tired, but also in an evil temper. I was so sleepy that I could scarcely keep my eyes open during a drive which we took round the harbour & about the city. However tea revived me a little, & I purchased a 'Guy–Fawkes'–looking cloak to take the place of my lost overcoat. Then we went to the station & heard with much alarm that nothing had yet been heard of my bag. After dining at a Restaurant, I wrote to Dick Rosser, and, that function completed, went to bed. This Hotel Konung da Danmark is conveniently placed & seems decently organised.

Copenhagen impresses me as a fine, open city, but destitute of the higher kinds of interest. It has no mediaeval churches: & it has no great historic importance. There are no buildings of conspicuous merit, and there are, unfortunately, many new buildings of aggressive demerit. I have not yet seen the collections.