The Henson Journals

Thu 15 August 1901

Volume 150, Page 9


Thursday, August 15th, 1901.

We spent the forenoon in seeing various churches. There are none of great eminence either in history or in architecture. It was interesting to find here a great Gothic church by Sir Gilbert Scott, a splendid example of copy–book Gothic. I was chiefly interested in the notices posted on the church doors about the Beicht or Confession prior to Holy Communion. The public exercise was announced with the names of the officiating Pastor: & mention was made of the Privat–Beieht, in which the Pastor attended at the houses of the faithful. This is much like the system worked out in Kidderminster with such zeal by Baxter, & expounded in Gildas Salvianus. In the afternoon we did the Rundfahrt of the docks. They are worth seeing but the sight, to an Englishman is painfully suggestive. What will be the outcome of this passionate rivalry? Finally we went to the station & met Mrs & Miss Reichel.

So ends the first stage of my holiday; on the whole a successful stage. In the course of the day I wrote two letters, to Carissima & to Watson. I have yet to write to

X 1. Mr Hunt
X 2. Gore
X 3. Dick Rosser
X 4. Frank Capon
X 5. Mr Talbot
6. Charles Ramsay
7. Baine
X 8. Weller
X 9. Tommie
X 10. Fedarb
X 11. Raleigh
X 12. Parish Magazine
13. Robinson
X 14. The Dean
X 15. Perkins
X 16. Watson