The Henson Journals

Sun 27 January 1901 to Thu 7 February 1901

Volume 15, Pages 9 to 16


3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 27th, 1901.


I celebrated at S. Margaret's at 8 a.m. Then to the Abbey, where there was a very great congregation. The Dean preached very well, an old man, almost coeval with the Queen, with whom, also, he had necessarily been brought into contact. There were 170 communicants. At 12.30 people began to gather about the doors for the 3 p.m. service: and long before the service began the Abbey was crowded. I ordered chairs to be placed the whole length of the Choir, & the multitude, for whom no room could be found in Choir & transepts, to be admitted into the nave. My sermon took exactly 3/4 of an hour to deliver. The Offertory for the Gordon Boys Home amounted to more than £61. This, with the offertory earlier in the day, made up over £113, a substantial sum./ In the evening I went to S. Margaret's, where the throng was immense. Lord W. Cecil preached.


On Saturday, Feb: 2nd 1901, Queen Victoria was buried at Windsor. There was a great procession through London from Victoria to Paddington. I did not see it as I stayed in my room and worked at a sermon. At 2 p.m. I conducted a Special Service in S. Margaret's for members of the House of Commons. The Church was reserved for them, & they with their wives nearly filled it./


On Sunday, Feb. 3rd, there were very large congregations, both morning & evening. At Mattins both Archbishops were present, & several Cabinet Ministers.



  1. H. Oxenham. 49 Doris St. Kennington S.E.
  2. W. R. Crockford. 9 Quadrant Grove, Malden Rd
  3. A. Hardy. 75 Heyford Avenue, S. Lambeth
  4. C. Irish. 1T Peabody Bldgs, Orchard St: S.W.
  5. H. Langdon. 29 Wardour St., Camberwell.
  6. T. Langdon. 73 Guiness' Bldgs, Brandon St, S.E.
  7. E. W. Fraser. 6 Ponsonby Place, Westminster
  8. J. Mansfield. 51 Sandringham Bldgs, Charing Cross Road, W.C.
  9. W. Baron. 19 Secker St:, Waterloo Rd., S.E.
  10. H. N. Davis. 419 Old Kent Road, S.E.
  11. C. W. Ward. 3B Peabody Bldgs, Orchard St: Westminster, S.W.
  12. F. Perrin. 51 Theobald Street New Kent Road, S.E.
  13. Shepherd
  14. Longley


[Blank page]



  1. [symbol] Dr J. E. Sinclair. 1 Queen Anne's Gate.
  2. W. J. Roberts. Foreign Office. Downing St:
  3. H. F. Mills. 38 Old Queen Street, S.W.
  4. J. Fulford. 30 York Street.
  5. [symbol] F. C. Griffin. 29 Abingdon Street
  6. [symbol] Geo. Bassett. 3/4 Great College Street
  7. Alex: Brown. 22 N. Block. Peabody Bldgs, Caxton St.
  8. [symbol] John G. Thrussell. 52 Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.
  9. [symbol] Edwin H. Fedarb. United Westminster Almshouses. Rochester Row
  10. A. Irish. 1J Peabody Bldgs, Old Rye St:
  11. J. McNally. Pulford Street, Pimlico.
  12. [symbol] J. W. Scoles. S. Margaret's School. New Tothill Street


Mr Lemare's Statement. Feb. 7th 1901.

A. Pinnington £35
Arthur Pinnington £25
C. J. Reed £25
F. Henty £35
C. Henty £30
L. Wilson £35

School Fees. Boys about} £90

£4.12.0 per year}

Weekly Payments

At 15/- per week £35
Solo Boy £10
Book Boys £5
E. H. L. £200


Feb: 7th 1901

Dear Mr Lemare,

The Churchwardens & I have accepted your Scheme, &, since we fear you may have inadvertently omitted some small charge, or underrated the school Fees, we have added to your estimate a further £25. This sum of £550 is the total which we are prepared to expend on the Organist & Choir. We think, also, that railway fares & luncheons should not be paid to the boys. The school fees & weekly payments must suffice.

With regard to the Organ Recitals we decided that all money collected should be paid into the Churchwardens' Fund, & that they would pay to you quarterly the fees, at the rate of £3.3.0 for every recital. We think that the posters outside the Church, announcement to the congregations, & notice in the newspapers when the recitals will begin, & when they will cease, will suffice for public notice, & we are not prepared to be responsible for further expenditure on that account....

H. H. H.


Estimated Expenditure for S. Margaret's 1901

The Choir & Organist £550
The Organ:-
Power £80
Tuning £ 30
attendant 5.4 £115.4
Pension £65
Church Expenses £465
Clergy £420

Estimated Income:-

Offertories £675
Seat Rents £300
Marriage Fees £200
Organ Recitals £60
Subscriptions £300
Grant to Clergy Fund £75