The Henson Journals
Sun 20 January 1901 to Tue 22 January 1901
Volume 15, Page 7
2nd Sunday after Epiphany, January 20th, 1901.
Bernard Wilson preached to a large congregation at Mattins. He made a brief allusion to the Queen: and also to the Bishop. I celebrated and, before the Prayer for the Church Militant, I asked prayer for the Queen. It was solemn to think that probably for the last time, I was naming Victoria at the Altar where she had received her crown. In the afternoon, there [8] was an immense throng. I preached for 40 minutes mainly about Bishop Creighton. The congregation was very attentive, though great part of it had to stand all the sermon through. At Evensong there was again a very large congregation. Jones, Vicar of Petworth preached.
On Tuesday afternoon about 6.30 the Queen died. In the afternoon at the Abbey I asked the Minor Canon, Hine-Haycock, to read the prayer in the 'Communion for the Sick' inserting the Queen's name; Earlier in the day, I had wired to the Bell-ringers postponing the supper which had been arranged for the night. Then I went round to the Tower with Perkins, and spoke to those Bell-ringers who were ringing a muffled peal, & expressed my regret at being compelled to postpone the supper.