The Henson Journals

Sun 17 February 1901 to Mon 18 February 1901

Volume 15, Pages 17 to 19


Quinquagesima, Sunday, February 17th, 1901.

The weather was as unkindly as possible, though there were bursts of sunshine. We started service at 11 a.m. with a smart snow-storm. The Archbishop arrived in good time: the following Bishops assisted at the consecration:-

  1. Bishop
of Winchester
  1. "
" S. Alban's
  1. "
" Bristol
  1. "
" Bath & Wells
  1. "
" Glasgow
  1. "
" Colchester
  1. "
" Islington
  1. "
" Peterboro
  1. "

The service proceeded without hitch, and everything was satisfactory save the clamorous music for 'O Salutaris Hostia". The Abp. gave me quite a monition about it afterwards. Both the new bishops - Kensington & Barking - lunched with me afterwards, as did also the Bps of S. Alban's & Colchester, Sir John Hanham,Mr & Mrs D. Howard, Mrs Johnson, Miss Festing, Miss Barney, Mr & Mrs Hunt, Mr Montague Smith, Kirshbaum, Perkins, Bedford, Du Cane.


The Bp. of S. Alban's told me as a great secret - tho', I suspect, everybody knows it – that Lord Salisbury has given £5000 as an endowment for the new Suffragan. This with the archdeaconry & the Hospital will provide an income of £1000 per ann:


18th Feb:1901.

Dear Sir,

Re. Mr James Smith

30 Parker St:

I am obliged to you for your letter of the 15th inst: in wh. you suggest that a pension of 16/- weekly shd be raised for Mr Smith. You are, of course, aware that there is no fund at my disposal wh. can be charged permanently with any contribution towards such an expenditure. My action cd in no way pledge my successor. I am, however, prepared to pay out of the alms entrusted to me for the relief of the poor, a contribution of 7/- weekly, provided you can raise the other 9/- - such contribution to cease when Mr Smith's eldest child reaches the age of sixteen years, when the case must be reconsidered on its merits. Also, I repeat, this is a personal undertaking, which wd - ipso facto expire if I left the parish. I suggest that I shd pay over to the C.O.S. a quarterly sum of £4.11.0. to be distributed by the Ctee in weekly payments to Mr Smith.

Believe me, faithfully yrs,


Captain J. Gaspard Le Marchant.