The Henson Journals

Sun 25 November 1900

Volume 14, Page 419


24th Sunday after Trinity, November 25th, 1900.

I was in the Vestry preparing for the early Celebration, & Clifford was ringing the bell, when Molony came in. He was evidently moved by strong emotion, & said to me, "I would like to serve you: & to receive the Sacrament with you". Of course I was delighted, & welcomed him with eagerness: it was a trying ordeal to go thro' the service, but I was really very glad to be on Christian terms with him, & I thought he was acting greatly.

At 11 a.m. I preached & Nicholson Celebrated. In the afternoon I had my Chancellors, & we divided up S. John's Gospel for private reading. In the evening I preached at the newly–consecrated Church of S. Alban's in this parish. There was a crowded congregation, in which I recognized many members of the Hospital flock.