The Henson Journals

Sat 24 November 1900

Volume 14, Page 418


Saturday, November 24th, 1900.

Bere, Kirshbaum, Bayne, Tommie, & my mother & sister came to the Holy Communion in the Hospital, where I Celebrated as Incumbent for the last time. Then we all (except Bayne & Tommie) hurried off to Westminster, where I was duly installed in the Abbey as Canon. The quaint service is very solemn & suggestive. After a brief chapter–meeting in which we discussed the Westminster Memorial Window, I returned to Ilford, & tried to prepare a lecture: but my head ached badly, & I had to lie down. Later I went to Great Ormond Street, & dined with Bedford at his Rectory, & afterwards lectured at the Working Men's Institute on ‘The History of Preaching'. The men listened very well & seemed interested. Then accompanied by Bayne I returned to Ilford.

So ends my Ministry in the diocese of S. Alban's & begins my Ministry in the diocese of London.