The Henson Journals

Unknown date

Volume 23, Page 222

League of Nations 115
Unfermented Wine in H.C. 127
[symbol]Streeter inscribes a copy of "Immortality"
Ecclesiae libertatis propugnation 129
My opinion of the volume 131
A visit to Broadstairs 132
Harold Henson's account of sexual morality in the 13.E.7 and of the chaplains 133
[symbol] The fame of Durham 142
[symbol] The Abp's letter to Serres 142
[symbol] D. Forsyth on the Evangelicals 148
Strike of the London Police August 30th, 1918.
My 1st night in the Palace. 149
A Letter to Bp of M. on the "inherent powers & functions of the Episcopate” 153 cf.181
Instn of Compston at Bredwardine 159
Newbolt's' story about the Tommie's comment on the Kaiser's piety 161
Dinner with Darling 161f.
The Cons: Objector's conception of the Bp of H. 163
An officer's opinion of Army Morality 164
Neglected state of Ashperton church 168
Athelston Riley's brother 170
Letter to Rev. W. Orr 172
The Railway Strike 174f.–177
Visit to Canterbury 187–190
Deputation to Colonial Office on Native Rights 191
Evangelical Missionaries far more afraid of Henson than of the Bp of Z. p. 191
Bryce presides at my lecture in King's College 192
"The Naked Truth" 193
I preach to the Congregationalists in Hereford 197
Committee on Relations of Ch. & Dissent Resolutions p. 199
I reserve my liberty of action in the matter. Service candidates 200
A letter to an incumbent 201
[symbol] Death of Bp. Boyd Carpenter 202
The Abp on the L. & L. debate 205
Disappearance of the hoardings at D. 211
I wear a cope in All SS 216
Some observations on the influence of the Cecils on the CofE. 219
Shakespeare on Reunion 220
A hostile description of Hereford folk 221