The Henson Journals

Unknown date

Volume 15, Page 0

  1. Light & Leaven 1896 Methuen
  2. Apostolic Christianity 1897 Methuen
  3. Ad Rem 1899 Wells Gardner & Co.
  4. Discipline & Law 1898 Methuen
  5. Godly Union & Concord. 1902 Murray
  6. Cross-bench Views of Current Church Questions. 1902. Ed. Arnold
  7. Preaching to the Times 1903 Jas Clarke & Co.
  8. The Education Act - & after. 1903 Methuen
  9. Sincerity & Subscription. 1903 Macmillan & Co.
  10. Studies in English Christianity in the 17th century. Murray. 1903
  11. The Value of the Bible & other Sermons. Macmillan. 1904
  12. Notes on Rationalism. Isbister 1904
  13. Moral Discipline in the Christian Church. Longmans 1905
  14. Religion in the Schools. Macmillan. 1906
  15. The National Church. Macmillan
  16. Christ & the Nation. Fisher Unwin
  17. The Road to Unity. Hodder & Stoughton
  18. Westminster Sermons. James Clarke & Co.
  19. Puritanism in England. Hodder & Stoughton. 1912
  20. The Creed in the Pulpit. Hodder & Stoughton 1912
  21. War-time Sermons. Macmillan & Co. 1915
  22. Robertson of Brighton. Smith, Elder & Co. 1916
  23. The Liberty of Prophesying. Macmillan
  24. Notes of my Ministry. Hugh Rees

Herbert Hensley Henson

  • born. Nov: 8. 1863
  • matriculated. Oct. 1881
  • elected Fellow of All Souls. Nov: 3rd 1884
  • ordained deacon. June 5th 1887
  • appointed Head of the Oxford House. June 1887
  • ordained priest. May 27th 1888
  • instituted as Vicar of Barking. Dec. 1st 1888
  • resigned vicarage of Barking. Aug. 1895
  • appointed Incumbent of Ilford. 1895
  • appointed Canon of Westminster. Nov. 1900
  • married. Oct. 20th 1902
  • generally denounced as a heretic April 1904
  • a son born dead. Jany 8th 1905
  • {preached in Glasgow Cathedral Oct 1st 1905
  • {preached & lectured at Aberdeen. Oct: 29 –

  • delivered "Golden Lecture". 1905-6
  • openly associated myself with the S.A. Nov: 20th 1905.
  • received D.D. degree at Glasgow. 1906
  • preached in S. Giles's Cathedral. Edinburgh. Oct. 1906.
  • attended the General Assembly. May. 1907
  • [symbol]attended the General Assembly. May. 1908
  • declined the Reg. Prof. of Eccl. Hist. Aug. 1908
  • appointed Dean of Durham. Oct. 30th 1912
  • consecrated Bishop of Hereford Feb. 2nd 1918
  • translated to Bpk. of Durham. June 1920
  • attended the Lambeth Conference July-Aug 1920.
  • delivered Olaus Petris Lectures in Stockholm. Sept. 1920
  • enthroned in Durham Cathedral. Oct: 30. 1920
  • delivered the Gifford Lectures in S. Andrew's
  • Resigned the Bishoprick of Durham. on Feb 1st 1939
  • Accepted appointment as Canon of Westminster in September 1940