The Henson Journals

Sat 29 May 1926

Volume 40, Page 309


Saturday, May 29th, 1926.


The papers give some prominence to descriptions of the quaint Scottish antiquary, Sir Duncan Campbell, whose death was announced yesterday. He appears to have been a Fakir of Antiquarianism, sacrificing to a hobby, which had grown into a religion, his money, his time, his comfort, & finally his life. He used to call on us occasionally in Dean's Yard, & Ella from time to time exchanged letters with him: His aspect was congruous with his character and creed.

Lord Grey limited his reference to the domestic crisis in the Liberal Party, to the emphatic but unadorned declaration that he stood with & behind Lord Oxford. His speech was a thoughtful and most impressive plea for a franker cooperation of Capital and Labour.

The Socialist candidate has been returned in Hammersmith by a majority of nearly 4000. This has an ill look: but hardly more than half the electors recorded their votes.

[Fearne came to see me in the course of the afternoon. I sent through her to the Bank, a cheque from Williams & Norgate for £11:6:5. This represents the Author's profits up to date on my "Notes on Spiritual Healing". It is sufficiently evident that that book also has been an almost total failure. It has certainly not been advertised.]