The Henson Journals
Tue 6 April 1926
Volume 40, Page 222
Easter Tuesday, April 6th, 1926.
Lockyer, the Vicar of Newbottle, writes to tell me that he introduced the celebration of the Holy Communion into his Good Friday programme, & was well pleased with the result! I wrote to him a grave letter of remonstrance.
I spent much of the day in writing my 17th article for the Evening Standard, taking as my subject, "Motoring and Motorists", a theme suggested by the rush and clamour of the holiday.
During the afternoon I walked round the Park, which had a disreputable appearance, owing to the trampling of the holiday crowd, & the litter of papers & orange–peel.
A short letter from Streeter informed me that the four young "Liberals" had sent their letter to the Times. If it is published in that journal, there will be a revival of the tiresomest & most perilous of all ecclesiastical controversies – a controversy on clerical subscription. If the Times does not publish the letter, its authors propose to seek some other avenue to publicity, so determined are they to get their position clearly before the public. Streeter says that he has sent the letter also to the Bishops of Gloucester, Oxford, and Manchester.