The Henson Journals

Mon 5 April 1926

Volume 40, Page 221


Easter Monday, April 5th, 1926.

Luther completed the work of Hildebrand.

Bryce. 'The Holy Roman Empire.' p.367.

The internal disintegration of Germany which was only ended in the second half of the XIXth century was caused by the conflict with the Papacy which Hildebrand began, and was deepened & envenomed by the religious division which Luther caused.

The strangely warm weather continued, and the Park was thronged by holiday–makers, especially children. On the whole they behaved themselves well, and it was a pleasant sight to see them so happy. But the bequest of orange peel & dirty paper is horrifying.

I wrote at some length to Fawkes who had sent me the paper which he proposes to read to the Cheltenham Conference on "The expression of belief in Worship." Also, I sent copies of my Tyndale lecture to the following viz:

Sir Lewis Dibdin, Frank Pember, Col: Bowes, Smith (the agnostic), & my brothers. Also, I decided to send copies to the Diocesan Readers, of whom there appear to be 103.