The Henson Journals

Tue 23 March 1926

Volume 40, Pages 187 to 188


Tuesday, March 23rd, 1926.

The local Sectaries sent me the following letter which I acknowledged civilly through my chaplain:

My Lord Bishop

At our monthly meeting of the Bishop Auckland Evangelical Free Church Ministers' Fraternal held at the house of Revd W. Towers Garrett B.A. Princess Street on 19th inst. I was instructed as Secretary to write expressing our sympathy with you in the affliction which recently overtook you while preaching at Westminster Chapel, London.

We note the two pathetic circumstances that you then engaged in preaching the Great Gospel we all love so dearly, & that you were preaching it in an Evangelical Free Church Pulpit.

We trust that under our heavenly Father's gracious Providence, you will soon be restored to your wonted health, & be equipped afresh for the onerous duties of your large & important see.

The following were present.

Rev. Henry D. Purdy M.A. Presbyterian Church

W. Towers Garrett B.A. Wesleyan Methodist

R. Laidler, Primitive Methodist "

Frank Rhodes, United " "


Revd E. Hardin, Baptist Church

George Parsons, Wesleyan Methodist.

I remain,

My Lord Bishop,

Your Lordship's most obedient servant.

Frank Rhodes


No doubt this is meant kindly. It is strange that some malignant & seemingly irremovable paralysis lies upon us so that we can never get beyond such charities of tongue and pen! Why should this be?

Lionel and I left the Castle at 4 p.m., and motored to Sunderland, where we had tea with the Wynne–Willsons, & then went to St Peter's Church. Here I confirmed 43 candidates from the two parishes – Christ Church & St Peter's. Then I went on to S. Hilda's where I confirmed about 160 persons from several parishes. The odd Vicar, Plummer, who is scarcely intelligible when he speaks, had evidently taken pains over the arrangements. The church is commodious and stately. We got back to the Castle a little after 10 p.m.