The Henson Journals

Mon 22 March 1926

Volume 40, Page 186


Monday, March 22nd, 1926.

I had an interview with MrJoseph McManners, the lay–worker from Ferryhill, who aspired to be ordained. He has had no other education than that of the elementary school. He has been a miner; is 34 years old: is married & has 3 children. I finally undertook to accept him for Ordination if, at the end of 3 years, he could satisfy my examining chaplains: & I exempted him from Latin & Greek. I wrote to the Bishop of Jarrow telling him what I had done, & asking him to take McManners in hand.

Lionel and I motored to S. Columba's, Southwick, where I confirmed 76 persons. MacMunn is an "Anglo–Catholick", but how far advanced I neither know nor care to learn. With the exception of six years at S. Francis, South Shields, 1911–17, his whole ministry since his Ordination in 1901 has been fulfilled in his present parish. I noticed that his candidates were markedly younger than those from the other parishes. We returned to the Castle immediately after the service. Mrs Quirk arrived on a short visit. The weather has become bitterly cold.