The Henson Journals

Fri 8 January 1926

Volume 40, Page 68


Friday, January 8th, 1926. Lambeth.

The weather is almost unseasonably mild – a welcome change after the rigours & deluges of the last weeks.

I received the Holy Communion at 8.30 a.m. in the chapel. We spent most of the morning in discussing whether we would revise the existing Prayer–Book, and produce a revised Book which should be for awhile [sic] an alternative, & ultimately the only Prayer book; or leaving the existing book unrevised, should supplement it as seemed advisable, printing our additions &c in the same volume. We decided (fatuously) on the latter course. After lunch we went into the Library, & witnessed the conferring of Lambeth doctorates on the Deans of York & Bristol. The afternoon session was devoted to Puire, connected with which was the larger issue of the Quicunque Valt. After tea Ernest & I walked to the Athenaeum, where I wrote to Ella. Jean Bruce came to dinner, but she had to recall herself to my memory. Also, the Bishop of Mombasa & his wife. He said that matters had improved in Kenya & that Norman Leys' book was rather the speech of an able prosecutor than an impartial statement of the facts.