The Henson Journals

Thu 7 January 1926

Volume 40, Page 67


Thursday, January 7th, 1926.


I motored to Darlington through pouring rain, and took the early train to King's Cross. On arrival I went straight to the hair–dresser, and then went on to Lambeth, where I arrived in time for the meeting at 3 p.m. Saving the Bishops of Norwich and Coventry, all the Bishops were present.

We began with a short service in the Chapel, & then spent an hour & a half in preliminaries. His Grace made it very clear that he wished & intended to keep out the reporters. This anxiety to keep episcopal proceedings secret is as natural as it is dangerous. In the present state of our affairs I judge publicity to be the first condition of influence. Our debates might educate public opinion: our conclusions are not likely to impress it. We went on with an interval for tea, until 6 p.m.: & then I walked to the Athenaeum, where I picked up the Evening Standard, and found in it my article on "Hideous Graveyards", which I wrote nearly a month ago.

I sate beside the Archbishop of Canterbury at dinner, and we had much talk on many subjects. So far we are all most fraternal, but the serious business has not yet begun.

The weather became quite mild.