The Henson Journals

Sat 16 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 151


Saturday, August 16th, 1924.


Mrs Gideon Murray went off after breakfast, leaving on my mind the impression of a pleasant but rather stupid lady, afflicted as so many of her sex are afflicted in these later days, with the notion that she understands politics, and is wielding an influence in the affairs of the nation!

I worked through the returns of the clergy. On the whole they speak more favourably of the moral condition of their parishioners than I should have expected. There is a practical unanimity as to the decrease in drunkenness, &, though pre–nuptial unchastity is evidently general, there appears to be a high standard of fidelity in marriage. Betting & gambling are almost universal.

After lunch, though the rain fell heavily, I motored Baddeley & Ernest to Lanchester, & shewed them the church. We returned to the Castle for tea, & then I set myself to prepare a sermon for tomorrow.

Peel Dennistoun, from Winnipeg, arrived to stay for a few days. When last I saw him twelve years ago he was a pretty natural little boy, now he is a sleek American of the conventional type: though he would resent the description, for he is a loyal Canadian, to whom the word "American" is tabu!

The weather, which had become wet during the afternoon, cleared up about 5 p.m. and was quite fine. But the barometer falls steadily.