The Henson Journals

Fri 15 August 1924

Volume 37, Page 150


Friday, August 15th, 1924.


I walked with Baddeley to Escomb, and, happily finding the Vicar absent, was able to show him the little old priceless church without distraction. We got back to the Castle a little late for lunch.

In the afternoon I played bowls with Hill, the Vicar of Coundon, and Baddeley, and beat them both easily.

After tea, I set myself to go through the Visitation returns of the clergy. It was painfully evident that partisan interest rather than a regard for the facts determines their answer to my question, whether in their experience they had found reservation of the Sacrament requisite for the communion of the sick.All the High Churchmen say that reservation is requisite: and all the Evangelicals say that it isn't! On the whole, though the overwhelming majority reply in the negative, there are many more affirmative answers than I thought would have been the case. But the "anglo–Catholic" propaganda is telling.

Mrs Gideon Murray arrived to stay the night. Years ago I married her to her husband now the Master of Elibank in S. Margaret's.

After prayers Baddeley, Ernest, and I walked in the garden to enjoy the spectacle of the Castle in the brilliant moonlight. It certainly is most beautiful. The proportions of the building are seen to perfection thus.