The Henson Journals

Thu 6 December 1923

Volume 36, Page 80


Thursday, December 6th, 1923.

A beautiful frosty morning, the polling will at least be facilitated by the weather.

I spent the morning in writing letters & paying bills.

A long letter from Brilioth describing the laws and practice of the Swedish Church in the matter of Divorce arrived. There is not much spiritual independence in that National Church: and this is the more regrettable when sexual morality is concerned, as Swedes have an ill reputation in that respect.

I read through (in about 3 hours at a sitting) Carnegie Simpsons's little book "Church Principles". It contained many excellent things, but it leaves me unsatisfied. The theory is not adequately supported by the facts which, if it be sound, ought to express it in practice. For instance, he describes the dissenting "call" of the minister by his congregation as "of unique value" in testing the minister's vocation. Who that knows the squalid wire–pulling of an election cd believe this?